The membership process of City On A Hill is comprised of two classes.
[01] Lunch With the Pastors (first Sunday of the month).
This is a casual luncheon where you will be able to (1) meet our lead pastors and (2) discover who we are without feeling pressured to join the church. You wouldn't buy a car without a test drive, why would you join a church without knowing what the church is really about. That's exactly what this class allows you to do...get to know us, get a feel for who we are, and ask any questions you may have.
Lunch With the Pastors February 2nd click HERE to register.
[02] COAH Connection Class (second Sunday of the month).
If, after attending Lunch With the Pastors, you are ready to commit to being a participating member of the church, you will register for the Connection Class. As the name implies, this class will get you connected to the ministries of our church. You will complete a spiritual gifts assessment and discover where you can best serve within COAH. Furthermore, you will learn about the different City Groups being offered so you can find the group that's just right for you.
COAH Connection Class click HERE to register.